Agence française de développement (AFD)
European Investment Bank (EIB)
Government of Kenya (GoK)
Jyoti Structure Ltd (Suswa – Isinya transmission line)
Consolidated Power Project international (Isinya, Athi River, Kimuka and Malaa substations)
Siemens (Suswa substation)
This project involves the construction of 103km 400kV double circuit line from Suswa substation to Isinya substation rated at 1200MW, two 220kV substations at Suswa and Isinya as well as 220/66kV substations at Kimuka, Athi River and Komarock.
The Nairobi Ring project will offer an alternative supply path for power into the Nairobi Metropolitan region and increase transformation capacity removing the load from the existing overloaded substations. This will increase in reliability of power supply and create an attractive climate for investors in the region thus spurring growth and employment.